Sociétés sœurs

Cette page, sans viser à l’exclusivité, recense les sociétés sœurs en philosophie des sciences.

British Society for the Philosophy of Science (BSPS)

The purpose of the BSPS is to study the logic, the methods, and the philosophy of science, as well as those of the various special sciences, including the social sciences.


The DLMPS is the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Its objectives are

1. to promote contacts among logicians, philosophers of science and scientists interested in the foundational problems
of their disciplines, and among institutions dedicated to logic, methodology, and philosophy of science;
2. to encourage and sustain research and study of important problems in logic, methodology, and philosophy of science;
3. to collect documents useful for the development of logic, methodology and philosophy of science;
4. to organize, sponsor, and support international meetings of logic, methodology and philosophy of science
(International Congresses and Symposia), and to publish reports, Conference Proceedings, and other works related
to such meetings.

The DLMPS and its sister division, the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST), form the International
Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS), which is affiliated to the International Council for Science
(ICSU – formerly the International Council of Scientific Unions).

European Society for Analytical Philosophy (ESAP)

General presentation of ESAP (1992)

However convenient the opposition between ‘Analytic’ and ‘Continental’ philosophy may be, it is inadequate, for there are analytic philosophers on the Continent, and the values and aspirations of analytic philosophy are (meant to be) universal. Analytic philosophy is characterized above all by the goal of clarity, the insistence on explicit argumentation in philosophy, and the demand that any view expressed be exposed to the rigours of critical evaluation and discussion by peers. The universality of these values is one of the reason for the current revival of analytic philosophy in continental Europe after the long interruption due to the Second World War and the North American exile of many European philosophers. Practitioners of analytic philosophy can be found today not only in regions where it has flourished without interruption such as Great Britain or Scandinavia , but also in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland or Yugoslavia. Due to the unequal development of analytic philosophy in Great Britain and the United States, on one hand, and in Continental Europe, on the other hand, analytic philosophers on the Continent have made contact mainly with British and American philosophers and have often been unaware of the existence of analytic philosophers elsewhere on the Continent. Thus it is only quite recently that analytic philosophers in Germany, Italy, France or Spain have discovered each other’s existence.

It therefore seems natural to try and bring together at the European level the different national groups in the hope that these will lead to new contacts and collaboration. That is the main aim of the European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP). For the British the ESAP offers the possibility of doing something to redress the imbalance in favour of the USA within analytic philosophy; for the number of analytic philosophers in the whole of Europe is not different from the number of analytic philosophers in the United States. In order to further contacts and collaboration amongst European analytic philosophers, the Society intends:

* To organize European Congresses of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP) on regular basis. Such congresses will allow European analytic philosophers, whatever their areas of interest (philosophy of language, ethics, epistemology, metaphyics, philosophy of mind, etc.), to meet and come to know each other.

* to issue a newsletter and other publications of general interest (a directory of the European analytic philosophers and a booklet containing information about istitutional aspects of philosophy in different European countries are planned).

* to facilitate the organization of European conferences and workshops on specific subjects within analytic philosophy.

Information about the beginning of the Society

Kevin Mulligan is the founder of ESAP together with a group of philosophers (among whom Barry Smith, Peter Simons, Pierre Jacob, Marco Santambrogio, Andreas Kemmerling, and Pascal Engel) in the Swiss village of Zinall in 1991. At that meeting François Recanati was named first president. In 1993 in Aix en Provence, during the first ESAP congress, Peter Simons was named president. Nenad Miscevic and Woldek Rabinowicz were named presidents in 1996 and in1999 (respectively). See at the page of Steering Committee for more information.
The web pages of ESAP have been originally written by Bozidar Kante in 1997, updated by Carlo Penco in 1999 and by Carlo Penco and Federico Pitto in 2007.

European society for philosophy and psychology (ESPP)

The aim of the Society is to promote interaction between philosophers, psychologists, and linguists on issues of common concern.

Institute Vienna Circle : Society for the Advancement of the scientific world conception (Vienne)

The international Institute Vienna Circle, a nonprofit organization with no political affiliation, was founded in 1991. Its goal is the documentation and continued development of the Vienna Circle’s work in science and public education, areas which have been neglected until now, as well as the maintenance and application of logical-empircial, critical-rational and linguistic analytical thought and construction of a scientific philosophy and world view in conjunction with general socio-cultural trends. One of the Institute’s main objectives is to democratize knowledge and science as a process of enlightenment, counteracting all forms of irrational, dogmatic or fundamentalist thought, in a societal context and taking into account the latest developments in international research.

International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS)

HOPOS, The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, is devoted to promoting serious, scholarly research on the history of the philosophy of science. We construe this subject broadly, to include topics in the history of related disciplines and in all historical periods, studied through diverse methodologies. We aim to promote historical work in a variety of ways, but especially through encouraging exchange among scholars through meetings, publications, and electronic media.

Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgechichte /Max Planck Institute of the History of Science (Berlin)

What is the MPIWG?

The MPIWG in Berlin is one of eighty research institutes in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities administered by the Max Planck Society. It was established in 1994 as an international research center for the history of science in Germany.

What are our research interests?

Researchers at the MPIWG investigate how new categories of thought, proof, and experience have emerged in the centuries-long interaction between the sciences and their ambient cultures. The specific research projects span several millennia: cultures north, south, east, and west: and numerous scientific disciplines, ranging from the origins of counting systems in Mesopotamia to today’s postgenomics, from Renaissance natural history to the early days of quantum mechanics. Exemplary research questions include: How did the fundamental scientific concepts (e.g., number, force, heredity, probability) and practices (e.g., experiment, proof, classification) develop in specific historical contexts? And in what ways did local knowledge, originally devised to solve specific problems, become universalized? These questions form the basis of a theoretically oriented history of science which studies scientific thinking and knowledge acquisition in their historical development.

Who works at the MPIWG?

Researchers at the MPIWG come from every continent and a wide spectrum of scientific and scholarly backgrounds. The MPIWG is involved in collaborations with scientists, historians of art and architecture, jurists, archaeologists, and museum curators.

Philosophy of science association (PSA)

The Philosophy of Science Association promotes research, teaching, and free discussion of issues in the philosophy of science from diverse standpoints. To this end, the PSA engages in activities such as: the publishing of periodicals, essays and monographs; sponsoring conventions and meetings; and awarding prizes for distinguished work in the field.

SLMFCE : Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia

La I Conferencia de Graduados de la SLMFCE tendrá lugar en Granada entre los días 29 de septiembre y 1 de octubre de 2010. Las conferencias estarán abiertas a todos los que deseen asistir a ellas (hasta completar aforo). Se recomienda a los interesados que contacten con el comité organizador. De ese modo se les podrá preparar y entregar el último día un diploma acreditativo de su asistencia a las mismas. La dirección de contacto es la siguiente:

Société Canadienne d'Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences (CSHPS/SCHPS)

CSHPS/SCHPS is a Canadian forum bringing together historians, philosophers, sociologists, and a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars interested in exploring all aspects of science, past and present. Its newsletter is the Communiqué and its annual conference takes place within the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Société canadienne d'épistémologie / Canadian Society for Epistemology Québec (SCE/CSE)

The Canadian Society for Epistemology was created in August 2003 for the purposes of :

* promoting research in epistemology and related disciplines;

* encouraging the dissemination of research results in epistemology across Canada in both official languages.

Société de philosophie analytique (SOPHA )

La Société de Philosophie Analytique est une association de philosophes qui travaillent dans la tradition de la philosophie analytique et entendent promouvoir la pratique de la philosophie analytique en langue française. Le terme « philosophie analytique » recouvre une tradition et une attitude. Il est entendu en un sens ouvert, sans limitation de doctrine, de méthode ou de sujets. Ses membres viennent de tous les pays, en particulier des pays francophones, aussi bien d’Europe que des autres continents. Elle ne fait pas de l’usage de la langue française une obligation, mais elle l’encourage vivement. Cette société est étroitement liée à l’European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP) avec laquelle elle sera en collaboration régulière, ainsi qu’avec les autres sociétés de philosophie analytique européennes et non européennes. Elle cherchera à faciliter les contacts entre philosophes analytiques de tous les pays, notamment en assurant la diffusion de l’information sur les colloques, événements et rencontres à tous niveaux, ainsi que sur les possibilités professionnelles ouvertes aux philosophes qui travaillent dans cette tradition.

European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA)

European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) was brought to life in 2007, in Vienna, by the recognition that the time was ripe for a forum that would bring together professional philosophers of science and students from the whole of Europe (and the rest of the world) and foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among them.

The general aim of the EPSA is to promote and advance philosophy of science in Europe. It will do this by furthering contacts among philosophers of science in Europe; by ensuring that information relating to philosophy of science in Europe is regularly circulated; by supporting, on the international level, progress in philosophical studies of science; and by promoting the public understanding of science within the learned and educated public.
Membership to EPSA is open to everyone, irrespective of nationality. Every member has the right to vote and to be elected in the Steering Committee of EPSA, which is the governing body of the Association. The first Steering Committee of EPSA has been formed on an ad hoc basis by the ten founders aiming to co-ordinate the activities of EPSA. The first meeting of the General Assembly voted for the officers of the first elected Steering Committee.

The first Conference of EPSA took place November 15 – 17, 2007 in Madrid. The aim is for a European conference every two years.