Ce bulletin ne contient que des descriptions brèves des événements et annonces. Pour plus de détails, suivre les liens hypertextes.
Merci de me communiquer toute proposition de contenu : conférences, appels à communication, annonces de postes, de bourses, de prix ou de récompenses, nominations, soutenances de thèses ou d’habilitation, publications des membres de la SPS (notamment livres), visites d’enseignants-chercheurs étrangers, manifestations de diffusion ou de vulgarisation.
Juliette Ferry-Danini, modératrice, pour la Société de Philosophie des Sciences
- Assistant professor in philosophy of science and sechnology, Department of history and philosophy of science, University of Cambridge, UK
Information: link
Deadline: 15th of October
- Assistant/Associate/Full professor in History and philosophy of science, University of Pittsburgh, US
Information: link
Deadline: 15th of October
- Assistant/Associate/Full professor in History and philosophy of biology, University of Pittsburgh, US
Information: link
Deadline: 15th of October
- Lecturer in philosophy of science, University of Saint Andrews, UK
Deadline: November 9
Information: link
- Assistant professor in philosophy of science and technology, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Information: link
Deadline: November 29
- 3 years postdoctoral fellow in the history of sustainability science, The Institute for the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland
Information: link
Deadline: 31st of October
- The future center in philosophy of science at Université of Namur (Belgium)
The center invites postdoctoral researchers interested in applying to FNRS 3 years positions (‘CR’) in contacting them for support in their applications. Researchers who can act as supervisors on a varitie of topics are Olivier Sartenear, Juliette Ferry-Danini, Gaëlle Gaëlle Pontarotti and Thibault De Meyer.
Information about FNRS postdoctoral positions: link
Contact: olivier.sartenaer@unamur.be
Those interested should send a cv and a research letter (link) to Olivier before November 20.
PhD positions
- The future center in philosophy of science at Université of Namur (Belgium)
The center invites graduate students interested in applying to FNRS PhD positions (‘ASP’, 4 years’) in contacting them for support in their applications. Researchers who can act as supervisors on a varitie of topics are Olivier Sartenear, Juliette Ferry-Danini, Gaëlle Gaëlle Pontarotti and Thibault De Meyer.
Information about FNRS PhD positions: link
Contact: olivier.sartenaer@unamur.be
Those interested should send a cv and a research letter (link) to Olivier before November 20.
Call for applications
- Joint Conference of APPSA (Asia-Pacific Philosophy of Science Association) 2025 and LMPST Taiwan 2025 (Taiwan Association for Logic, Methodology, Philosophy of Science and Technology), Taipei, Taiwan, 17-19 of June 2025
Information: link
Deadline: 31st of December
- Conférences Duhem, 4 novembre 2024, 14h00 – 16h00
LIEU : Maison de la philosophie, IHPST, Salle de conférences (2ème étage), 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris
La SPS est heureuse de vous annoncer que le 4 novembre prochain auront lieu les Conférences Duhem sur la thématique « Philosophie et sciences du climat ».
Deux conférencières invitées, — l’une scientifique, l’autre philosophe—, dialogueront autour de cette thématique :
Sandrine ANQUETIN (Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement, CNRS, Grenoble)
Julie JEBEILE (Institut de Philosophie, Université de Berne)
Les conférences seront suivies d’un pot.
- Remise du prix Prescrire 2024, 3 octobre, Paris
Le magazine Prescrire remettra le prix Prescrire à l’une des membres de la SPS, Juliette Ferry-Danini, pour son livre Pilules roses. Informations: lien