Appels à publication

Numéro spéciale d’EJPS « Teaching philosophy of science to students from other disciplines » (deadline : 1er décembre 2020)

Call for papers
Topical Collection in the European Journal of Philosophy of Science on Teaching philosophy of science to students from other disciplines Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2020
Guest editors: Joeri Witteveen & Sara Green (University of Copenhagen)

Description: Philosophy of science courses are increasingly taught not only to philosophy students, but also to students from other disciplines. While this offers a unique opportunity to engage with other fields and make philosophy of science relevant for other target groups, it also calls for reflection on what and how to teach. Whereas philosophy of science critically examines the methodological approaches in other fields, much less attention has been given to the didactical strategies used within philosophy of science, and to discussions of how we, through teaching, can make philosophy of science relevant to other target groups.

The aim of this topical collection is for scholars to reflect on the challenges associated with teaching philosophy of science to non-philosophers and to discuss ways to overcome these. We especially welcome contributions that draw connections between philosophy of science and science education, and that consider how to improve learning strategies for philosophy of science. We encourage authors to reflect on their own experience with teaching philosophy of science to non-philosophers in a scholarly way. Questions that could be addressed by contributions in the topical collection are not restricted to, but could include the following:

What makes teaching non-philosophy students different from teaching philosophy students and how should we (historians and philosophers) adapt to an audience of practitioners of a field of study that we are reflecting on?
To what extent do the learning objectives differ when targeting other student groups, and to what extent do different goals of teaching influence the selection of topics, teaching formats, and modes of examination?
How can the teaching of philosophy of science to students in the natural and life sciences benefit from recent developments in integrated HPS, practice-oriented philosophy of science, and socially relevant philosophy of science?
How can research in science education inform teaching of philosophy of science – and vice versa?
What pedagogical approaches (such as inquiry- or case-based teaching) are proved useful or useless for a successful learning and teaching experience?

Papers submitted to the topical collection should not exceed 5000 words in total (excluding references).

Timeline for the topical collection:
Deadline for submitted contributions: Dec 1, 2020 First round of reviews completed: Feb 1, 2021 Deadline for revisions: April 1, 2021
Submitted papers will be peer reviewed following the journal’s standard, and accepted papers will be published online on a rolling basis. Please blind submissions for peer review prior to submission and chose [Teaching philosophy of science] in the drop- down menu on the EJPS submission page.

Questions about the topical collection can be addressed to:
Guest editors: Sara Green ( and Joeri Witteveen (
Editors-in-chief: Phyllis Illari & Federica Russo