Revues importantes dans la discipline

Cette page sans viser à l’exclusivité recense quelques revues où il est possible de trouver des contributions en philosophie des sciences.

Biology and Philosophy

Recent decades have witnessed fascinating and controversial advances in the biological sciences. This journal answers the need for meta-theoretical analysis, both about the very nature of biology, as well as about its social implications.

Biology and Philosophy is aimed at a broad readership, drawn from both the sciences and the humanities. The journal subscribes to no specific school of biology, nor of philosophy, and publishes work from authors of all persuasions and all disciplines. The editorial board reflects this attitude in its composition and its world-wide membership.

Each issue of Biology and Philosophy carries one or more discussions or comparative reviews, permitting the in-depth study of important works and topics.

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic was established in 1995 by the Association for Symbolic Logic to provide a journal of high standards that would be both accessible and of interest to as wide an audience as possible. It is designed to cover all areas within the purview of the ASL: mathematical logic and its applications, philosophical and non-classical logic and its applications, history and philosophy of logic, and philosophy and methodology of mathematics.

The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic primarily publishes two types of papers:

Articles present topics of broad interest in a way that is accessible to a large audience. They can be purely expository, survey, or historical articles or they may contain, in addition, new ideas or results or new approaches to old ones.

Communications should be announcements of important new results and ideas in any aspect of logic; they may be short papers in their final form or preliminary announcements (extended abstracts, position papers) of longer, full papers that will be published elsewhere. In any case, they should include, in addition to a description of the new results or ideas, enough history, background, and explanation to make the significance of the work apparent to a wide audience. Communications will be quickly refereed and published with six months of the submission of final version.

Other high quality submissions not exactly in these categories may be considered. Such submissions should be sent to the managing editor.

Canadian Journal of Philosophy

The Canadian Journal of Philosophy was founded in 1971 by four Alberta philosophers, John King-Farlow, Kai Nielsen, T.M. Penelhum, and W.W. Rozeboom. Since its founding, CJP has grown into a widely respected philosophy journal with an international reputation. CJP aims to publish the best work in any area of philosophy in French or English. The Journal receives close to 300 submissions every year from an international community of authors, and it uses a distinguished international list of philosophers to referee these submissions. All papers are blindly reviewed and are selected on the basis of whether they make significant, original contributions to the philosophical debates they address. CJP’s annual acceptance rate is typically close to 8%.

In addition to its four quarterly issues, CJP publishes an annual Supplementary Volume of invited papers on a topic of current philosophical interest. Published in cooperation with the University of Calgary Press, supplementary volumes are complimentary with a paper subscription to the Journal, and are also available from uniPresses.

CJP is registered in Alberta as a private not-for-profit corporation. It is managed by its Board of Editors.


Revue trimestrielle de l’Association canadienne de philosophie Dialogue est publiée par Cambridge University Press avec l’assistance financière du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada. Dialogue bénéficie également du soutien de l’Université du Québec à Montréal et de l’Université de Saskatchewan.

Dialogue publie en anglais et en français des textes appartenant aux divers domaines de la philosophie, sans discrimination d’allégeance philosophique. Tous les articles et les études critiques soumis à Dialogue sont évalués sans indication d’auteur par les pairs.

Economics and Philosophy

The disciplines of economics and philosophy each possess their own special analytical methods, whose combination is powerful and fruitful. Each discipline can be enriched by the other. Economics and Philosophy aims to promote their mutual enrichment by publishing articles and book reviews in all areas linking these subjects. Topics include the methodology and epistemology of economics, the foundations of decision theory and game theory, the nature of rational choice in general, historical work on economics with a philosophical purpose, ethical issues in economics, the use of economic techniques in ethical theory, and many other subjects.



An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Erkenntnis is a philosophical journal publishing papers committed in one way or another to the philosophical attitude which is signified by the label ‘analytic philosophy’. It concentrates on those philosophical fields which are particularly inspired by this attitude, although other topics are welcome as well. These fields are:

– Epistemology
– Philosophy of science, foundations and methodology of science in general and natural and human sciences such as physics, biology, psychology, economics, social sciences, etc. in particular
– Philosophy of mathematics
– Logic, philosophy of logic, and all kinds of philosophical logics
– Philosophy of language
– Ontology, metaphysics, theory of truth, theory of modality
– Philosophical psychology, philosophy of mind
– Practical philosophy, i.e. ethics, philosophy of action, philosophy of law, etc. One of the objectives of Erkenntnis is the provision of a suitable platform for the discussion of controversial issues; another is the provision of timely, competent reviews of important publications in an ever-growing field of research.

In recent years, philosophers standing quite outside the pale of analytic philosophy have also paid careful, and indeed most welcome, attention both to precision of concept and language, and to well-grounded foundations. Erkenntnis provides for them, and for philosophers of all persuasions, a place of meeting, of discussion, and of disputation.


IGITUR – Arguments philosophiques est une revue philosophique, à comité de lecture, en ligne et d’accès libre. Son objectif est de promouvoir l’argumentation personnelle et la discussion dans les grands champs de la philosophie contemporaine. Les articles soumis sont sélectionnés à l’issue d’une double lecture anonyme sur la base des critères suivants : argumentation, clarté, précision et originalité de la contribution. 

International Studies in the Philosophy of Science

International Studies in the Philosophy of Science is a scholarly journal dedicated to publishing original research in philosophy of science and in philosophically informed history and sociology of science. Its scope includes the foundations and methodology of the natural, social, and human sciences, philosophical implications of particular scientific theories, and broader philosophical reflection on science. The editors invite contributions not only from philosophers, historians, and sociologists of science, but also from researchers in the sciences. The journal publishes articles from a wide variety of countries and philosophical traditions. The editors encourage participation in the annual Philosophy of Science conference at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, a forum for high-quality research and international debate in philosophy of science.

Journal of Philosophical Logic

The Journal of Philosophical Logic provides a forum for work at the crossroads of philosophy and logic, old and new, with contributions ranging from conceptual to technical.

Accordingly, the Journal invites papers in all of the traditional areas of philosophical logic, including but not limited to: various versions of modal, temporal, epistemic, and deontic logic; constructive logics; relevance and other sub-classical logics; many-valued logics; logics of conditionals; quantum logic; decision theory, inductive logic, logics of belief change, and formal epistemology; defeasible and nonmonotonic logics; formal philosophy of language; vagueness; and theories of truth and validity.

In addition to publishing papers on philosophical logic in this familiar sense of the term, the Journal also invites papers on extensions of logic to new areas of application, and on the philosophical issues to which these give rise. The Journal places a special emphasis on the applications of philosophical logic in other disciplines, not only in mathematics and the natural sciences but also, for example, in computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, linguistics, jurisprudence, and the social sciences, such as economics, sociology, and political science.

Journal of Philosophy

Purpose: To publish philosophical articles of current interest and encourage the interchange of ideas, especially the exploration of the borderline between philosophy and other disciplines.

Journal of Symbolic Logic

The Journal of Symbolic Logic was founded in 1936 and it has become the leading research journal in the field. It is issued quarterly. Volume 75, being published during 2010, will consist of approximately 1300 pages.

The Journal is distributed with The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and the new Review of Symbolic Logic. The Journal, The Review, and The Bulletin are the official organs of the Association for Symbolic Logic, an international organization for supporting research in symbolic logic and furthering the exchange of ideas among mathematicians, philosophers, computer scientists, linguists, and others interested in this field.

The Journal focuses on original scholarly work in mathematical logic and its applications. In order to be considered for publication, papers should be prepared following the JSL Guidelines and should be submitted to one of the JSL Editors.

The JSL publishes only original papers that have not been published previously, and are not submitted for publication elsewhere. Full versions of important papers that have previously been published in conference proceedings are eligible for publication, provided that the submitted paper extends the pre-publication in a significant way. In such cases, when authors submit a paper for publication in the JSL they are requested to provide a precise reference to the pre-publication and to explain the extent to which the submission differs from the conference version.

Matière Première

Matière première. Revue d’épistémologie

Cette revue pluridisciplinaire a pour but de présenter des débats contemporains sur des questions classiques de la philosophie des sciences, avec leur portée métaphysique et ontologique, questions dont la récurrence les conduit à être perpétuellement actuelles. Tout en insistant sur les données les plus récentes, la revue Matière première fait place à une perspective historique qui montre que ces débats sont en permanence requalifiés par le renouvellement du questionnement philosophique et par les apports des sciences positives. Il s’agira aussi d’examiner des questions souvent négligées. Dans le cadre d’un dialogue science-philosophie, on insistera sur les problématiques classiques du matérialisme comme le monisme ontologique et l’immanence, ainsi que sur des questions plus récentes comme la naturalisation de l’épistémologie et de nombreux autres domaines. Nous souhaitons ainsi poser d’une manière ouverte la question de l’unité/diversité de la science. C’est dans la pluridisciplinarité que nous pensons trouver, par des opérations épistémologiques sans doute encore à dégager, les moyens d’une réflexion sur les concepts scientifiques, les types d’explications et les entités qui évite la disjonction tout en se préoccupant de leurs spécificités respectives. Nous faisons le pari que le matérialisme est un cadre fécond pour ces réflexions et particulièrement approprié pour construire une ontologie évitant les dualismes de tous ordres sans fondre toutes les différences. La perspective matérialiste peut tout aussi bien s’accorder avec une vision de la pluralité des démarches scientifiques comme autant d’épistémologies régionales, qu’avec le projet de l’unification des sciences. En ce sens, les matérialismes sont irréductibles à toute doctrine définitive. Cette revue voudrait, entre autres buts, être le lieu de ces questionnements en articulant leur traitement sur le terrain scientifique et la réflexion épistémologique et philosophique. Cela suppose, selon nous, de pluraliser et de reconstruire en permanence le matérialisme tout en assumant pleinement sa fonction critique et sa vigilance. Nous aurons aussi à poser la question des rapports – agonistiques ou connexes – du matérialisme et des autres doctrines à vocation épistémologique et gnoséologique. De même, il faudra préciser et examiner les relations qu’entretiennent les différentes formes contemporaines de matérialismes que sont ou semblent être le naturalisme, le physicalisme, le matérialisme réductionniste, le matérialisme non réductionniste, tels qu’ils sont amplement développés par la philosophie des sciences dans le monde universitaire de langue anglaise.

Perspectives on Science

Perspectives on Science publishes science studies that integrate historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. Its interdisciplinary approach is intended to foster a more comprehensive understanding of the sciences and the contexts in which they develop. Perspectives on Science consists of theoretical essays, case studies, and review essays.

Philosophia Scientiae

Philosophia Scientiæ est une revue scientifique à comité de lecture qui publie des travaux en épistémologie, en histoire et en philosophie des sciences. Elle accueille notamment des études traitant des mathématiques, de la physique et de la logique, mais elle est ouverte aux travaux portant sur les autres disciplines scientifiques.

La revue est publiée aux éditions Kimé (Paris). Les Cahiers peuvent être des Varia (constitués d’articles divers) ou des numéros thématiques. À partir de 2011, les Cahiers thématiques incluront plusieurs articles hors thème, dans une section de Varia.

Les chercheurs intéressés sont invités à soumettre des articles ou des projets de numéros thématiques, en se conformant aux instructions aux auteurs.

Les articles paraissant dans la revue sont indexés dans les bases de données suivantes: Philosopher’s Index, Francis, Zentralblatt MATH et MathSciNet (depuis 2010) ; la revue est également référencée dans le Répertoire International de la Philosophie (Revue philosophique de Louvain) et dans l’ERIH.

L’auteur reçoit gratuitement un exemplaire du Cahier contenant son article, ainsi qu’une version électronique (PDF) de son article mis en forme.


Cette revue propose de traduire ou de rendre à nouveau accessible des textes classiques, de faire connaître au public français certains travaux actuels de philosophes étrangers, de publier des travaux originaux de philosophes français se réclamant de courants aussi divers que la phénoménologie ou la philosophie analytique et enfin de rendre compte, par des notes de lecture, des nouvelles parutions philosophiques.

Philosophy of Science

Since its inception in 1934, Philosophy of Science, along with its sponsoring society, The Philosophy of Science Association, has been dedicated to the furthering of studies and free discussion from diverse standpoints in the philosophy of science. The journal contains essays, discussion articles, and book reviews.

Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics

Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B) is devoted to all aspects of the history and philosophy of modern physics broadly understood, including physical aspects of astronomy, chemistry and other non-biological sciences. The primary focus is on physics from the mid/late-nineteenth century to the present, the period of emergence of the kind of theoretical physics that has come to dominate the exact sciences in the twentieth century. The journal is internationally oriented with contributions from a wide range of perspectives. In addition to purely historical or philosophical papers, the editors particularly encourage papers that combine these two disciplines.
The editors are also keen to publish papers of interest to physicists, as well as specialists in history and philosophy of physics.

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science is devoted to the integrated study of the history, philosophy and sociology of the sciences. The editors encourage contributions both in the long-established areas of the history of the sciences and the philosophy of the sciences and in the topical areas of historiography of the sciences, the sciences in relation to gender, culture and society and the sciences in relation to arts. The Journal is international in scope and content and publishes papers from a wide range of countries and cultural traditions.



An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science

Synthese spans the topics of Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Coverage includes the theory of knowledge; general methodological problems of science, of induction and probability, of causation and the role of mathematics, statistics and logic in science; and the methodological and foundational problems of different sciences. The journal explores symbolic logic and foundations of mathematics relevant to the philosophy and methodology of science; and those facets of the ethics, history and sociology of science which are important for contemporary topical pursuits. The journal focuses on the role of mathematical, logical and linguistic methods in the general methodology of science and the foundations of different sciences.

A section on Knowledge, Rationality and Action offers a platform for researchers interested in a formal approach to the process comprising rational behavior, from gathering and representing information, through reasoning and decision making to acting.

The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

For over fifty years The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science has published the best international work in the philosophy of science under a distinguished list of editors including A. C. Crombie, Mary Hesse, Imre Lakatos, D. H. Mellor and David Papineau.